Programmatic Advertising Gives eBrains a Futuristic Edge


Programmatic advertising is in your future. By 2018, programmatic is projected to make up 50% of digital ad sales. This form of advertising is generated by artificial intelligence, and makes the decision-making process behind ad placements easier, putting targeting data into an algorithm that helps maximize ROI and ad budgets. Many marketers recognize the significance of programmatic and are now hopping on the bandwagon. eBrains’  display programs have exclusively used this type of technology for five years.

“We have been aggressively in this space for a long time and also grasped the potential of implementing rich media as soon as the technologies became compatible,” said Senior Brain Jennifer Jasper.

eBrains’ display solution is measured and optimized by ad engagement, followed by independent Nielsen research to determine the connections between campaign variables and their impact on driving intent to visit their client destinations. To date, peak intent lift results for range between two and eight times the average of all tourism destination programs under measurement by Nielsen’s Vizu.  eBrains guarantees results, and its use of technology that the rest of the industry is just beginning to recognize is part of the reason for client successes. Programmatic advertising may be the future, but at eBrains, the future came early.